Restoration model Art Deco Basilica Koekelberg

Description of the Project

The model of the Basilica was realized on a 1/40th scale and is exceptional because of its size and the fact that it has been worked out in detail both on the outside and on the inside. It won the “Grand Prix d’Architecture” in Paris in 1925 at the “Exposition Internationale des Arts Décoratifs et Industriels” and can still be seen today in the gallery of the Basilica, where it is a magnet for tourists and visitors.

Thanks to the cleaning and restoration, the model will be restored to its full glory and it will also be able to participate in exchange projects in other European capitals as an Art-Deco artwork.

Maquette Basiliek van Koekelberg

Timing of the Works

1. Start raising funds through the project account at the King Baudouin Foundation from autumn 2021. Total amount of the restoration works : 20,102,00 €
2. Commencement of the works as soon as 50% of the amount has been obtained.
3. In 2025 the model will be 100 years old and we want to celebrate that together with all donators and you !

The Restoration Process

The Brussels Atelier Constantino will carry out the works. This is a family company that has been working on models for 50 years and combines traditional techniques with modern processes. The workshop can rely on a long tradition of expertise and expertise and is specialized in plasterwork, molds and graphics.

In agreement with the artists, the restoration will exceptionally be done on site. In this way they get a stage to exhibit their craft and skills. In this way we create an “unique” event in the National Basilica, an attraction for visitors and interested parties. This is an interesting fact, not only for the artists, but also for schools, architecture students, model builders…

Model Restoration

The model of the Art-Deco Basilica of Koekelberg is not only an example of the high precision in model building, an unique piece, but it is a work of art in the full sense of the word.

The model is a masterpiece of plaster model making, carried out by the renowned Alban Chambon workshops. It is one of the rare surviving models of church buildings from the interwar period. Today, besides the plans, she is the only witness to the original design by architect Albert Van Huffel and his collaboration with sculptor Wim Harzing.

Damage has occurred over time. Expert cleaning and restoration are needed to preserve this work of art.

Project Account

Thanks to your donations to the project account of the King Baudouin Foundation, the model could be cleaned and restored. At the end of this year, 2024, the repainting of the inside of the model is still on the program.

You can still contribute to the repainting of the outside of the model.
Please make your contribution to the account of

IBAN : BE60 4397 1548 9170